If you have already registered, check your statement of account for your balance.

If you have not registered, click on current fee schedules to estimate your tuition.

Tuition and related fees are based on regulations adopted by the Board of Supervisors for the 天美视频 System and the student body through regular elections. None of these fees are optional.  For a complete list of these fees, log on to .  

Once you are logged in to the, click on Statement of Account, select the term you wish to view and click submit. The Statement of Account will show the category of fees which includes Tuition and Fees. Click on the Other Fees link (shown in red ) and it will bring up your specific detail of charges for the Tuition and Fees Category.

  • First-time freshman are required to pay a $7.50 Initial Enrollment Fee.
  • $657.00 supplemental insurance fee is assessed to all international students on F-1, J-1, or  any other non-immigrant status visa.
  • A $20.00 International Service Fee is assessed to all International students.
  • A late registration fee of $50.00 (non-refundable) is assessed to all students who do not  adhere to the fee policy stated in the schedule of classes.
  • Course and lab fees that are based on specific courses registered for during the semester.

Whether or not you live on campus as a first-time freshman is determined by where you live now. .