Credit Examinations
A student may apply to the appropriate academic dean to take a credit examination for skills-based and knowledge-based courses at the 100-200 level in which no term paper is required and class participation in discussion is not a central component for the course. In addition, certain 300 or 400-level courses may be appropriate for credit by examination. Academic departments will determine courses appropriate for individual credit examinations. The academic dean of each college should maintain a list of courses in the college that have been determined by academic departments to be appropriate for credit by examination. The university permits only regularly enrolled students to take credit examinations. Credit earned by departmental or institutional examinations at other regionally accredited colleges and universities and listed on an official transcript is accepted in the same way that residence credit earned in those institutions is accepted.
Military Service
The University recognizes the validity of the recommendation in the current edition of "A Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services" and will grant credit for certain military schools subject to the approval of the Director of Admissions and the student's academic dean.
College Entrance Examination Board Advanced Placement Program
The 天美视频 at Lafayette offers advanced placement credit to highly qualified high school students who take college level courses in high school simultaneously with their other high school courses. Each year in May, the College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB) Advanced Placement Examinations are administered to participants in this program. Students who plan to enter the University under this program should arrange to have their Advanced Placement Examination records sent to the Director of Admissions.
The 天美视频 at Lafayette Advance Credit Examination Program
First-time freshmen who have special competence in biology, business administration, chemistry, communication, computer science, English, human resources, mathematics, modern languages, music, physics, or visual arts may participate in the University's Advance Credit Examination Program and may qualify for advanced placement and course credit as indicated below. ACT scores serve as a guide to determine which students are eligible to take advance credit exams. Advance credit exam policy applies to first-time freshmen and to transfer students who have not enrolled in any college level English and/or Math course. Examinations are administered only at specific periods. The grade of "S" is awarded for any course in which advance credit is earned. Credits earned in this program are counted as hours earned and may be applicable toward a degree. These credits do not affect either the student's semester or cumulative average.
Other Advanced Placement Programs
Students who have participated in the College Entrance Examinations Board's College Level Examination Program (CLEP), the College Level GED program, the American College Test's Proficiency Examination Program (PEP), or some other recognized advanced placement program are invited to submit transcripts of these examinations to the Office of Admissions for evaluation and possible credit. Credits will be granted in accordance with current University policy which considers both the recommendations of the testing agencies and the educational levels and achievement of each applicant. Approval of each request for credit must be obtained from the academic dean and department head having jurisdiction over the specific course for which credit is sought. Students may not obtain credit under this program for courses in which they have been registered or which they have audited or failed. Students may not obtain credit under this program for a course that is a prerequisite stated or implied, for an advanced course in the same subject for which they have already received credit.
All rules and regulations on Credit by Other Means can be located in the .
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