Parking & Permits
UL Lafayette requires all vehicles parked on campus to have a current parking permit with the exception of designated Visitor Parking areas. Faculty and staff permits are annual permits renewable in August each year. All other permits are semester only permits. Semester permits typically are available in mid-July for the fall semester, late November for the spring semester and early May for the summer semester.
Transportation Services uses virtual permits and License Plate Recognition (LPR) software. Departmental vehicles have mounted cameras that scan license plates to confirm vehicles conform with the UL Traffic Code. Therefore, all license plates must be visible from the aisle.
2024-2025 Parking Permit Information
Summer 2025 Parking Permit Information for Students
Summer 2025 semester parking permits will be available to purchase at 12:00 a.m. on Thursday, May 1. These permits will be active from June 1 through August 1, 2025. Residential parking permits will be $20. Girard Park Circle Parking Garage permits will be $100. Commuter student permits for parking at Cajun Field are required and available at no cost.
Spring 2025 Parking Permit Information for Students
Student parking permits for the Spring 2025 semester will be available for purchase by commuter students, residential students and student aides beginning at midnight on Tuesday, Nov. 19 with the exception of the Girard Park Circle Parking Garage permits which will be available beginning at 7:30 a.m. These permits will be active from Jan. 1 through May 31, 2025. Parking on campus after May 31 will require a Summer 2025 parking permit.
Graduate assistant Spring 2025 semester parking permits will be available to purchase at 12:00 a.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 10. These permits will be active from Jan. 1 through May 31, 2025. Parking on campus after May 31 will require a Summer 2025 parking permit.
Faculty and Staff annual parking permits for 2024-2025 will be available to purchase on August 1 through the employee parking portal. Adjunct semester parking permits will also be available for purchase starting August 1.
Vehicles are Required to Park HEAD IN
Vehicles will only be allowed to back into a space in the event they have a FRONT LICENSE Plate. We realize the State of Louisiana does not require a front license however for enforcement reasons this is now part of the UL at Lafayette Traffic Code. Those vehicles that are not in compliance will be issued citations and after three or more will be subject to being booted or towed.
Paid Parking on Campus
All commuters without a permit for parking on the main campus and all visitors should use the Girard Park Circle Garage located at 138 Girard Park Circle. This is a Pay By Space system where individuals will park and pay at the time the vehicle is initially parked. Payment is for an estimated amount of time using the rates below. The vehicle's license plate is required to purchase time at the pay station. Payment for parking is made using ParkMobile via an account in the ParkMobile app, a website or a phone number listed on signage on the walls of the garage:
1 minute to 2 hours $5.25
Each additional hour $1.05
The system will send you a notification when your time is about to expire if you have an account with ParkMobile. Simply respond with 60, 120, 180, etc. and the system will extend your time and charge the additional hours to the card on file with the account. Once time is expired, it may not be extended. If an extended time is not desired, no further action is needed.
**Please note that there is a small convenience fee for this service that will be added to the cost**
Permits are a Two Step Process: Vehicle Registration and Purchase Permit
- When purchasing a permit for the first time, individuals will need to REGISTER their vehicle in their parking portal and OBTAIN a permit. When registering a vehicle, it is best to use the vehicle registration papers to enter an accurate license plate number. Then log into your ULINK account, go to Campus Services then access my parking account in the Parking & Transit section to launch to your Parking Portal. Once a vehicle is registered in the portal, it does not need to be entered again. If the license plate changes or a new vehicle is purchased, this information will need to be entered and linked to the active permit. A vehicle is REQUIRED to register and have an active parking permit to park on campus at all times.
- YOUR License plate will be your identification for your parking privilege in a specific location. All vehicles must be parked so a license plate is visible from the aisle.
- It is extremely important that YOU CORRECTLY enter in your LICENSE PLATE information when registering your vehicle!
- Failure to enter the correct information in Step 3 will result in a CITATION.
- Faculty / Staff will be allowed to register up to 2 license plates on their parking permit HOWEVER, only one of those vehicles will be allowed on campus at the same time. Enforcement officers will be utilizing License Plate Recognition Software to check plates and the software is capable of determining if more than one of your registered vehicles is on campus at the same time.
- Permits are not transferable. Do not accept any permit from another person. The only valid transfer of permits is through Transportation Services.
- Registration and permits are still required for parking on campus at night.
Handicap Permits
The Office of Transportation Services accepts electronic submission of state-issued handicap credentials to obtain a handicap parking permit for students and employees.
Students who had a handicap parking permit for the most recent semester and whose state-issued credentials are still in effect may send an email that includes their full name, ULID and cell phone number to requesting to purchase their commuter handicap parking permit online for the next semester. We will confirm we have all the necessary credentials on file and then send an email within 2 business days with instructions. If we have any questions, we will email or call. Locations for parking for students with a commuter handicap parking permit can be found on the Zone Map.
Faculty and staff who wish to renew their annual handicap parking permit should send an email to requesting to purchase their annual parking permit online. We will confirm we have the credentials on file and send email within 2 business days with instructions.
Faculty, staff and students who are obtaining a handicap parking permit for the first time or have new credentials from the state should send an email that includes their full name, ULID, cell phone number and an electronic copy of their current drivers license, mobility impaired card and handicap placard or vehicle registration. All three must be currently in effect to be considered.
Electronic copies of the drivers license, mobility impaired card and handicap placard/vehicle registration should be clear and legible to be approved quicker. We do reserve the right to request the original credentials be brought into our office. If we have any questions about your request or your submission, we will email or call.
If a handicap parking permit is needed sooner than two business days, individuals are welcome to come into our office provided it is open to the public at that time.
Questions may be emailed to