I’m Emily Boone, an MBA student specializing in Human Resources and currently working as a Graduate Assistant. In our fast-paced academic world, finding resources that genuinely enhance our abilities can be a game-changer, especially in the area of leadership.
Navigating grad school is a constant balancing act. Between classes, coursework, internships, and maybe even a social life (if we’re lucky!), it can feel like there just aren’t enough hours in the day.
Picking the right PhD program isn’t like choosing between pour-over or latte, paper or plastic, half-and-half or heavy cream. It’s a major investment, a significant period of time, and a major career direction.
The Graduate School has awarded the 2022 Distinguished Dissertation Award to Alise Chabaud Hagan, Ed.D in Educational Leadership. The award recognizes exceptional work by doctoral students that exemplifies the highest levels of scholarship, research, and writing.
Dr. Christopher Giroir is an associate professor in the Department of Educational Foundations & Leadership. He also is the graduate coordinator for the Ed.D. in Educational Leadership program.
Dr. Magdy Bayoumi is the department head of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. His expertise includes sensing technologies and sensor nodes, data processing, and the management of energy applications to military and security fields.
Corey Saft is a professor in the School of Architecture and Design and a licensed architect and a LEED-AP. Saft was the developer of the first certified PassiveHouse in the hot/humid zone of the American South and the first Louisiana LEED-platinum home outside of New Orleans.