Graduate Council

The Graduate Council, reporting to the Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs, in consultation with the Dean of the Graduate School, defines graduate education policies at the University in alignment with university regulations and state governing bodies. This includes criteria for student admission, retention, and program completion, as well as policies on graduate faculty membership, program revisions, degree requirements, courses, and assistantships. The Council also advises the Dean of the Graduate School on graduate education matters.  


The Council comprises 27 members, including 14 elected faculty members, seven dean-appointed faculty members, three graduate faculty members appointed by the Dean of the Graduate School, two graduate student representatives, and the Dean of the Graduate School as an ex-officio member. Deans of academic colleges are ineligible for Council membership. The Council elects a chairperson annually from its members.  


The Council typically convenes on the second Tuesday of each academic month. Additional meetings may be scheduled by the Chairperson, Dean of the Graduate School, or Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.  

Standing Committees  

The Council's standing committees include: 

  • Appeals Committee 

  • Curriculum Committee 

  • Fellowships Committee 

  • Graduate Faculty Membership Committee 

  • Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access Committee 

Committee members, including the chairpersons, are appointed by the Council Chairperson for an academic year, with reappointment possible. Each standing committee includes members from each academic college. Faculty members on these committees must be continuing, full-time members of the Graduate Faculty.  

Additional Committees  

 The Council reserves the right to establish and appoint other standing or ad hoc committees as needed. 


Current Members for 2024-2025:

Elected Members



Catherine Roche-WallaceMUSArts
Wesley BradfordMUSArts
Ignatius Cahyanto (Fall 2024) MKTGBusiness Administration
Josh Bendickson (Spring 2025)MGMTBusiness Administration 
Brian BoltonECFNBusiness Administration
Natalie KeeferEDCIEducation
Amanda Shuford MayeauxEDFLEducation
Peng YinMCHEEngineering
Farzad FerdowsiEECEEngineering
Elena BabatsouliCODILiberal Arts
Nathan RabalaisMODLLiberal Arts
Scott SittigHLSINursing & Health Sciences
Frances StuebenNURSNursing & Health Sciences
Rui ZhangGEOSSciences
Nicholas KooyersBIOLSciences

Academic Dean Appointed Members



Ashlie BoelkinsARCHArts
Javier Portillo-EliasECFNBusiness Administration
Marietta AdamsEDCIEducation
Mark ZappiCHEEEngineering
Laurel RyanENGLLiberal Arts
Christy LenahanNURSNursing & Health Sciences
Beenish ChaudhryCMIXSciences

Dean of the Graduate School Appointed Members

Raju GottumukkalaMCHEEngineering
Robin KoytcheffMATHSciences
Meng Ru ShihCJUSLiberal Arts

Graduate Student Members

NameGraduate Program
Clement Okolo, GSO PresidentPhD Student, Computer Sciences
Gracie Babineaux, Graduate Student RepPhD Student, Earth and Energy Sciences

Ex-Officio Member

Mary Farmer-KaiserDean of the Graduate SchoolGraduate School