Contact Us

Contact the Financial Aid Office

Email: (include your ULID in the email)

If you are in one of our online programs (RN2BSN, MBA Online, General Studies Online, HPW, etc.), email us at


(337) 482-6506

Monday鈥揟hursday, 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM
Friday until 12:00 PM

To reach a financial aid representative, press '0.'
Select option '7' to make an appointment with a counselor.


(337) 482-6502

Receipt of documents faxed to us can be confirmed
via your  account after three business days.


Mailing Address:
Office of Student Financial Aid
天美视频 at Lafayette
P. O. Box 41206
Lafayette, LA 70504


Physical Address:
For appointments and delivery of documents:

Foster Hall
1311 Johnston Street
Lafayette, LA 70501


Hour of Operation:

Monday - Thursday 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM

Friday 7:30 AM to 12:30 PM