Governance of Electronic Course Delivery

Following principles of distance education suggested by the American Association of University Professors, the University defines the areas of responsibility for each external organization and internal department/unit/college involved in the operations of the distance and electronic learning enterprise.

A course and/or degree program at UL Lafayette may not be delivered electronically (hybrid, online, or online only) unless it has been submitted in accordance with the procedures set forth in this document.

Commission on Colleges (COC) Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS)

  • Grants Substantive Change.
    •  Substantive change is a significant modification or expansion in the nature and scope of an accredited institution. The types of substantive change and the procedures for addressing them appropriately may be found in the Commission’s policy on substantive change. UL Lafayette will pursue the following changes per SACS policies and procedures:
      • Some changes, such as offering courses online that amount to less than 25% of the coursework needed to complete a degree, certificate or diploma, do not need to be reported to the Commission.
      • Others, such as offering from 25% to 49% of the coursework required for a program online, simply require that the Commission be notified in advance of the implementation of the change.
      • Larger scale changes, such offering 50% or more of the coursework needed to complete a degree, certificate or diploma online, require written notification at least 6 months in advance and approval of a prospectus, which must be submitted at least 3 months prior to the anticipated implementation date.
  • For more information, visit .

Louisiana Board of Regents

  • Delivery of Degree Program Through Distance Learning Policy 2.12.03 - "Regents’ approval is required to electronically extend existing campus-based academic programs if 1) courses are offered in such a manner or at a location that an individual student can take 50 percent or more of the courses for the degree, or 2) the program is advertised as available in distance education technologies."
  • Delivery of Degree Program through Distance Learning Policy 2.12.04 - Institutions must report students enrolling in courses and programs delivered via distance education technologies.
  • Access more specific information and instructions at .

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  • Approval of new degree programs and programs to be delivered electronically.

Academic Units

  • College/Department identifies courses to be offered.
  • Department and/or College coordinate information with partnering institution(s), if applicable.
  • Department and College supervise faculty production and delivery of courses.
  • College/Department manages budget for purchase and lease of related course material.
  • College/Department evaluates electronic learning classes, faculty, and programs.
  • College/Department arranges for test supervision as necessary.
  • College notifies the Vice President for Academic Affairs when a program’s offerings are approaching 25% to 49% and/or 50% online, so that SACS and the Board of Regents can be notified, per established policy and procedures.
  • School/Department administers placement testing of students as required.


  • Define student learning outcomes on the course and program level within each department.
  • Assesses student attainment of learning outcomes and equivalency with traditional courses.
  • Design curricula for all learning formats including textbook selection.
  • Ensures both the rigor of distance and electronic programs and the quality of instruction.
  • Provide direct instruction and/or mentor adjunct faculty when/where appropriate.

Student Services Units

  • Enrollment Management provides electronic admissions, registration, and financial aid.
  • Student Life and Conduct provides electronic counseling and career services.
  • Academic Success Center provides electronic academic advising and assistance via online tutoring.
  • The Library provides access to electronic holdings and journals.

University Computing Support Services (UCS)

  • Orders, installs and maintains equipment and software necessary for support of the University’s learning management system (currently Moodle).
  • Orients faculty to the use of Moodle.
  • Provides technical support to faculty.

Information and Media Networks - Media Services

  • Supports the faculty and staff of the University by offering educational media and related resources for the campus in the areas of distance learning, printing and copier duplication, and educational hardware and software for teaching and presentations.
  • Orders, installs and maintains equipment and software necessary for support of compressed video.
  • Orients faculty to the use of compressed video equipment.

Office of Distance Learning

  •  Leads efforts to achieve substantive change and to maintain compliance once achieved based on established SACS standards and Regents policies
  •  Provides support for departments and colleges in the development of hybrid and online courses and degree programs.
  • Facilitates consultation services for the development and presentation of electronic course content.
  • Actively participates in the selection of equipment and software used for online course delivery.
  • Maintains electronic course submission database.
  • Recommends distance and electronic learning policy to the University Council and manages policy implementation in collaboration with academic and student services departments.
  • Conducts systematic assessment of all distance and electronic learning operations, courses, and programs.
  • Manages the Cajun Academy for Faculty Excellence (CAFÉ) to offer professional development to faculty to facilitate the production and delivery of electronic courses.
  • Promotes electronically delivered courses and degree programs.
  • Provides activities for students to prepare for being successful in the electronic learning environment.
  • Uploads UL Lafayette electronic course information into the Southern Regional Electronic Board Electronic Campus database based on information submitted through the scheduling process coordinated by UL Lafayette Registrar’s Office. The Office of Distance Learning will receive information on all hybrid and online courses from the Registrar’s Office.
  • Markets courses and programs in collaboration with the UL Lafayette Office of Communications and Marketing.