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These priorities, together with the intentional delivery of the 天美视频 System Core Competencies for Student Success throughout our academic and student enterprises, will enable students to become agents of change in support of our vision to improve the human condition. The core competencies supporting successful student outcomes include communications competence, critical and creative problem solving, adaptable resilience, cultural competence and self-reflective awareness.
These strategic priorities emerged from a three-year process of collecting and analyzing data, discussions, deliberations and the categorizing of thousands of pieces of information provided by University constituents. From that process, a clear set of trends emerged. It was evident the Strategic Plan would require a focus on academics, the student experience, research, scholarship and service. Dozens of suggestions fit into these categories, which grew to become the foundational pillars that will align University activities.
Academic Excellence is our responsibility to ensure the University imparts a learning and service mindset and instills in our students a desire to impact the human condition in a positive, meaningful way.
Exceptional Student Experience is our responsibility to meet the needs of contemporary students both inside and outside the classroom.
Intentional Stewardship is our responsibility to cultivate a space in which the human, physical and financial aspects of the University may thrive.
Public Impact Research is providing the academic and scholarly atmosphere for our students, faculty and staff to be ambitious and prolific in scholarship, innovation and creative activity through all disciplines across the University.
Transformational Community Engagement is our responsibility to foster collaboration and mutually beneficial partnerships locally, regionally, nationally and globally to enrich teaching and learning, prepare educated and engaged citizens, strengthen our communities and improve the world for future generations.
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