Online Faculty recognized for ULearn Course Certification


On December 18, the Office of Distance Learning recognized 19 faculty who had their hybrid and/or online course designs internally peer-reviewed and ULearn certified, bringing the total number of certified courses to 51. A review team of three faculty members reviews each course using the 41 standards of the Quality Matters (QM) course design rubric. Quality Matters (QM) is a nationally recognized, faculty-centered, peer review process designed to certify the quality of online courses.To earn certification, the course must meet all 21 essential standards and achieve a score of 81 (out of 95).  The peer review process emphasizes collegiality and focuses on alignment of the course design standards in each course.

The courses certified in 2013 are listed below:

College of Arts
THEA 300: Activities in Dramatics: Nathan Gabriel
VIAR 120: Appreciation of the Visual Arts: James Tancill

Moody College of Business Administration
BSAT 382: Service Operations: Zhiwei Zhu
FNAN 300: Business Finance: Patrick Price
MGMT 320: Management of Behavior and Organization: Tamela Ferguson
MGMT 333: eBusiness: Ronald Cheek

College of Education
EDFL 201: Principles of Teaching, Learning, and Growth: Bertha Myers
EDFL 500: Vision, Leadership, and Culture: Frank Del Favero
EDFL 501: Using Data to Affect Change: Frank Del Favero
EDLD 803: Qualitative Methods in Educational Leadership: Mitzi Trahan
HLTH 405: Nutrition for Fitness and Sports: Johan Adendorff
HLTH 460: Organization Funding Strategies: Lisa LeBlanc

College of Liberal Arts
PSYC 312: Adolescent Psychology: T. Scott Smith

College of Nursing and Allied Health Professions
NURS 344: Nursing in a Disaster: Kathleen Wilson
NURS 406: Evidence-Based Practice for Nurses: Kathleen Wilson
NURS 499: RN-to-BSN Capstone: Kathleen Wilson
NURS 517: Advanced Pharmacotherapeutics: Linda Lipstate
NURS 582: Advanced Practice Nursing Family I: Janis Guilbeau

College of Sciences
BIOL 110: Principles of Biology I: Arlene Billock
BIOL 216: Anatomy and Physiology for Kinesiology Majors: Sherry Krayesky
CHEM 123: Survey of General, Organic, and Biochemistry: Andrea Leonard
MATH 250: Survey of Calculus: Sharolyn Underwood

To view a list of all of the 天美视频 at Lafayette's certified courses, click