The Office for Campus Diversity supports a number of student organizations that promote diversity on campus. Visit the to find one that's right for you!
African Student Association
天美视频 at Lafayette's is a diverse group of African students whose mission is to unify the African students body within the University.
Association of Indian Students
goal is to preserve and promote cultural, literary, educational, scientific, social, and humanitarian activities, and contribute towards promotion of inter-cultural understanding.
Beacon Club
The mission is to work together to help eliminate barriers that students with disabilities must surmount in order to obtain their fullest physical, mental, social, vocational, and economic potential.
Black Male Leadership Association (BMLA)
The mission of is to promote and provide opportunities for black involvement on our campus, while enhancing our communities with hard work and dedication to building a better world.
Black Student Union (BSU)
aims to promote multiculturalism in education and social matters among students, faculty, and staff. Through programming, BSU strives to provide opportunities for social interaction among minority students, faculty, and staff. The BSU will serve as an organization that fosters student development through diversity, academics, and social services.
Black Women Leadership Association (BWLA)
The mission of is to cultivate, empower, and unify African American women to become effective leaders.
Delta Lambda Phi
is a Greek organization dedicated to enhancing the quality of life among students irrespective of sexual orientation or gender expression by providing dignified and purposeful social, service, and recreational activities.
Gamma Rho Lambda Sigma Chapter
has been referred to as the first national lesbian sorority; however, they are an all-inclusive social sorority exemplifying the qualities of tolerance, diversity, unity, and trust, which provides a network of assistance in the areas of scholastic guidance, emotional support, and community service while ultimately developing the lifelong family bonds.
Giving Love, Acceptance, Safety and Support (GLASS)
(Giving Love, Acceptance, Safety and Support) is a student led organization whose goal is to promote a diverse and accepting campus for all people regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity by educating the UL Lafayette community about LGBTQ+ issues, addressing all anti-LGBTQ+ harassment and discrimination, and providing social activities for all UL Lafayette students.
International Student Council
The International Student Council is a student organization that supports diversity among the UL Lafayette community. Visit the International Student Council on .
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
The mission of the at UL Lafayette is to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate race-based discrimination. Learn more about the .
National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)
The mission of the is "to increase the number of culturally responsible Black Engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally and positively impact the community." Learn more about the .
Phi Beta Delta (Honor Society for International Scholars)
is the first national honor society dedicated to recognizing scholarly achievement in international education.
Students for the Advancement of Women (SAW)
SAW exists to promote women鈥檚 interests and equality on campus and in the community through a combination of advocacy, education, and volunteer work. Learn more about
University Program Council (UPC)
The plans and executes various activities and programs at UL Lafayette. By being apart of UPC, you will have the opportunity to be an event planner and be on the front line of an amazing group! The University Program Council is made up of four committees that plan student activities on campus. These four committees are the African American Culture, Events, Spirits and Traditions Committees. All students are members of UPC. To become an active member, just attend three consecutive meetings.
Vietnamese Student Association
The at UL Lafayette serves to promote awareness and appreciation of the Vietnamese culture within the general student body and beyond.