Sherry Krayesky-Self

- Staff
- Director of the Student Center for Research, Creativity, and Scholarship
- Adjunct Faculty
- 337-482-1382
- 102 Dupré Library
Dr. Sherry Krayesky has 18 years of experience teaching biology at the University level. Her research focuses on the discovery of unknown benthic life history stages of marine bloom-forming microalgae that are associated endolithically with calcium carbonate-lined inner cells of crustose coralline-forming rhodoliths. She is also a skilled microscopist and an effective lab manager. In 2014 she and a small group of students developed the peer education program "Academic Mentoring Matters" that operates under the moto of “peers helping peers achieve their academic and personal goals." Undergraduate student research experiences (SRE) have been incorporated into all her endeavors. She has worked and published with several undergraduate students overseeing Research Experiences for Undergraduate (REU) granted by the National Science Foundation and Undergraduate Research Grants provided by UL Lafayette.
A.A. Focus in Life Science; Carl Sandburg College, Galesburg, Illinois, 1996
B.S. Physiology; Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois, 1999
M.S. Plant Biology; Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois, 2002
Ph.D. Environmental and Evolutionary Biology, ÌìÃÀÊÓƵ, Lafayette, 2015
Student Research/Collaboration
The promotion of undergraduate research and the effects of these high impact practices on students and faculty are a special interest to Dr. Sherry. She also focuses on the UL Seaweed Laboratory's discovery of unknown benthic life history stages of marine bloom-forming microalgae that are associated endolithically with calcium carbonate-lined inner cells of crustose coralline-forming rhodoliths.
Krayesky-Self S., D. Phung*, W.E. Schmidt, T. Sauvage, Luke Butler* & S. Fredericq. 2020. First report of an endolithic species of Rhodosorus (Stylonematales, Rhodophyta) growing inside mesophotic rhodoliths offshore Louisiana, northwestern Gulf of Mexico. Frontiers in Marine Science - Marine Ecosystem Ecology 23,
Fredericq S., S. Krayesky-Self, T. Sauvage, J. Richards, R. Kittle, N. Arakaki, E. Hickerson & W.E Schmidt. 2019. The critical importance of rhodoliths in the life cycle completion of both macro- and microalgae, and as holobionts for the establishment and maintenance of marine biodiversity. Frontiers in Marine Science - Marine Ecosystem Ecology 5(502), doi:10.3389/fmars.2018.00502
Krayesky-Self S., W.E. Schmidt, D. Phung*, C. Henry*, T. Sauvage, O. Camacho, B.E. Felgenhauer & S. Fredericq. 2017. Eukaryotic life inhabits rhodolith-forming coralline algae (Hapalidiales, Rhodophyta), remarkable marine benthic microhabitats. Scientific Reports 45850 (2017); doi:10.1038/srep45850 (IF=4.259).
Krayesky-Self S., J.L. Richards, M. Rahmatian & S. Fredericq. 2016. Aragonite infill in overgrown conceptacles of coralline Lithothamnion spp. (Hapalidiaceae, Hapalidiales, Rhodophyta): new insights in biomineralization and phylomineralogy. Journal of Phycology 52: 161-173.
Felder D.L., B.P. Thoma, W.E. Schmidt, T. Sauvage, S. Self-Krayesky, A. Chistoserdov, H. Bracken-Grissom & S. Fredericq. 2014. Seaweeds and decapod crustaceans on Gulf deep banks after the Macondo Oil Spill. Bioscience 64: 808-819.
Fredericq S., N. Arakaki, O. Camacho, D. Gabriel, D. Krayesky, S. Self-Krayesky, G. Rees, J.
Richards, T. Sauvage, D. Venera-Ponton & W.E. Schmidt. 2014. A dynamic approach to the
study of rhodoliths: a case study for the northwestern Gulf of Mexico. Cryptogamie Algologie.
Krayesky S.L., J.L. Mahoney, K.M. Kinler*, S. Peltier*, W. Calais, K. Allaire & G.M. Watson.
2010. Regulation of spyrocysts discharge in the model sea anemone, Nematostella vectensis.
Awards & Recognition
2019 Ray P. Authement College of Sciences Outstanding Teacher
2017-13 & 2008-2005 Outstanding Advisor Award ÌìÃÀÊÓƵ, Lafayette
2015 Outstanding Undergraduate Research Mentor, ÌìÃÀÊÓƵ, Lafayette
2014 Teacher Appreciation: National Association of Black Engineers
2007 Award of Teaching Excellence; Pre-Professional Society, UL Lafayette